Community Partners

Filling Bowls, Feeding Hope: Watershed’s Second Annual Empty Bowls Fundraiser

The success of this year’s event was truly inspiring, with a total of $7,093 raised! Of this amount, $3,750 came from ticket sales, and the remaining $3,343 was from donations (including a last-minute gift of $1,000!) and the sale of the handcrafted bowls. Thanks to the generosity of attendees and local businesses, the funds raised will provide over 7,500 meals for those in need.

Students Ride Toward a More Sustainable and Just Food System

Students in the Power of Bicycles course turned their learning into action. They worked together to create social media campaigns to raise awareness about food waste and food insecurity in Boulder, while highlighting the role that the Boulder Food Rescue can play in solving these problems.

Friends of Enrique and Ruby Madrid

What does a Watershed educator do when longtime community partners who have become friends enter a crisis period in their lives? Pablo Stayton, humanities educator, helps build a core group of people with relevant skills and similar heart connections to problem-solve with the people in crisis.

Building Community with Birdhouses

“One thing that was special about this experience was that we all got to collaborate together on one piece, which isn’t something I had ever done in art. It was my first time working with mosaics, and it was cool to work together as a class on a large project like this.”