Students Ride Toward a More Sustainable and Just Food System

Students in the Power of Bicycles course turned their learning into action. They worked together to create social media campaigns to raise awareness about food waste and food insecurity in Boulder, while highlighting the role that the Boulder Food Rescue can play in solving these problems.


How can we manage the challenges of the growing wild horse population in Colorado? With this essential question in mind, middle school students in the Horse Power Expedition course headed off to southwestern Colorado for a week of field work to explore firsthand the complexities of managing the wild horses that roam in the region.

At the Intersection of Lookout & Spine

From Tim's latest Thursday Note - "As returning students and families know, I often send notes to the community on Thursdays to reflect on something happening at school or beyond, to share ideas about learning and teaching in the world today, and sometimes just to share some updates.  Today I write to honor a real milestone in the history of Watershed – our new campus!"

Amy Robbins, Ph.D. Awarded Fulbright-Hays Scholarship!

Have you ever wondered what societal infrastructures increase happiness and if those systems and supports are transferable? So has Watershed’s middle school educator Amy Robbins, Ph.D.! And she’s been awarded a prestigious Fulbright-Hays scholarship to study it! Amy is one of 15 U.S. educators participating in the inaugural Fulbright-Hays Seminar in Finland!

Friends of Enrique and Ruby Madrid

What does a Watershed educator do when longtime community partners who have become friends enter a crisis period in their lives? Pablo Stayton, humanities educator, helps build a core group of people with relevant skills and similar heart connections to problem-solve with the people in crisis.

Scholastic Art Awards & Watershed's Artists

The next time you visit the Denver Art Museum or 40 West Gallery, you may recognize the names of more than one artist! Currently displayed amongst each location is a collection of impressive and original works by two of Watershed’s own artists: Zora Eckert ‘24 and Calvin Boal ‘26, both of whose submissions were recently selected among thousands of Colorado teens to receive several Scholastic Art Awards!

Students, Sustainability, and the Senator’s Desk

At Watershed, your work doesn't land in the recycling bin; it lands on the Senator's desk. The students in the 11th and 12th grade Materials Science Expedition course certainly have a grasp on the concept of engaging in work that matters. Students know that by exercising their agency, leadership, and communication skills, they truly can make a difference beyond the walls of the school.