Jeff Osgood

Art Educator

Jeff earned a Bachelor’s Degree and Master of Fine Arts from Ohio University and a post-Bachelor Teacher Licensure from Colorado State University.  He was a Film Animation Instructor at the Governor’s Summer Institute at the University of Akron, a Media Literacy Educator at Dawson Summer Initiative, an English teacher at Longmont High School and has taught a variety of Ceramics Workshops in Colorado, Utah and New Mexico. Jeff is a member of the Boulder Potters' Guild and is a co-facilitator of the Southwest Kiln Conference. His ceramic work has been included in a variety of juried shows and included at the Charlie Cummings Gallery.  Jeff has been at Watershed since 2011 as a High School and Middle School Humanities Educator.  He started as an art educator in 2019.

Jeff and his wife Brenda have four children together and in his free time he enjoys making art, writing, road cycling and gardening.